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CSC Email Security Program

Email remains one of the primary vectors for cyber-attacks. Our Email Security Program is designed to protect your business from malicious email attachments and links, ensuring your sensitive information stays secure.

What is the CSC Email Security Program?

Our Email Security Program is a comprehensive solution that safeguards your email communication by filtering out threats such as phishing attempts, malware, and spam. This program integrates seamlessly with your existing email infrastructure to provide robust protection.

Benefits of the Program

  • Reduce Risk of Breaches: Prevent 90% of data breaches caused by malicious email attachments and links.

  • Protect Against Fraud: Stop criminals from using your domains for business email compromise, phishing and spoofing.

  • Lower Cyber Insurance Premiums: Having cybersecurity measures in place can lower premiums and increase the chance of insurance payouts if and when a data breach claim is processed.

  • Improve Productivity: Minimize the time spent dealing with spam and malicious emails.

  • Compliance and Security: Ensure compliance with industry regulations and improve overall security posture.

How It Works

  1. Initial Consultation: We assess your current email security setup and identify vulnerabilities.

  2. Implementation: The email security solution is deployed and integrated with your existing email system.

  3. Ongoing Monitoring: Continuous monitoring and filtering of email threats.

  4. Regular Reporting: Receive regular reports on email security performance and threat analysis.

  5. Support and Training: Provide training for your staff on email security best practices and ongoing support.


Q: How does the email security program work?

A: Our program filters out malicious emails before they reach your inbox, using advanced threat detection techniques to identify and block threats.

Q: Can it be integrated with any email system?

A: The CSC Email Security Program is designed to work seamlessly with your existing Microsoft 365 business email.

However, we also offer advanced phishing and malware protection for Google Workspace under a separate service.

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